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CADCA's 2013 Mid-Year Training Institute
To sort the list by name, organization, city or state, simply click on the header name.

Full Name Organization City State
Abbate Adrienne  Tackling Youth Substance Abuse/SI Partnership for Community Wellness  Staten Island NY 
Abdoulaye Diouf  ONG Association pour la Promotion du Centre de Sensibililisation et d' Information sur les Drogues Jacques CHIRAC de Thiaroye   Pikine  
Abdullah Kareemah  Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America  Alexandria VA 
Abey William  Drug Free Queen Anne's Coalition  Centreville MD 
Abla Zipporah  Detroit Recovery Project  Detroit MI 
Abraham Michelle  The Butler County Coalition  Hamilton OH 
Abramson Allison  Tri-Town Substance Abuse Prevention Council   Deep River CT 
Ackerman Shelby  Our Family Services / 4R Communities Alliance  Tucson AZ 
Adams Monica  Urban Networks Associates  Milwaukee WI 
Adams Marin Barbara  Solutions CCRC  Lebanon OH 
Aggertt Hillary  Citizens Against Substance Abuse of Woodford County  Eureka IL 
Aguilar Dulia  Substance Abuse Steering Coalition  Yuba City CA 
Aguilera Tino  NM National Guard - Civil Operations   Las Cruces NM 
Aguir Mike  Building Our Lives Drug-Free  Fall River MA 
Ahmed Magda  STOP ACCESS Coalition  Springfield MA 
Alawneh Abdelwahhab  Arab & Middle East Resources Center (AMERC)  Dearborn MI 
Alexander James  Mt Adams School District  White Swan WA 
Ali Ann  Eagle Ridge Institute  Oklahoma City OK 
Allen Teresa  Solutions CCRC  Lebanon OH 
Allen Kelley  Talbot Partnership for Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Prevention  Easton MD 
Allen Carrie Lynn  Crawford County Council for a Drug-Free Community  Milltown IN 
Alston Jaime M.  Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America  Alexandria VA 
Altache Wanda  Puerto Rico National Guard  Coamo PR 
Alvarado Robert  TX Dept of State Health Services / Mental Health & Substance Abuse Division  Austin TX 
Alvarado Teresa  Managed Care Center For Addictive & Other Disorders  Lubbock TX 
Ambrosius Nicholas  Todd County Health and Human Services  Long Prairie MN 
Anderson Thomas  Casa Grande Alliance  Casa Grande AZ 
Anderson Heather  Salt Lake City Mayor's Coalition on ATOD  Salt Lake City UT 
Anderson Cheyenne  Coos County Commission on Children & Families  North Bend OR 
Anderson Jennifer  Gateway Community Services  Big Sky MT 
Andrade-Martinez Mirza  Central Valley Prevention Program  Colton CA 
Andrews Jane  Blount Memorial Foundation  Maryville TN 
Andrews-Hill Mecca  Intersect, Inc.   Anderson IN 
Anschuetz Brooke  Madison Heights Community Family Coalition  Madison Heights MI 
Antcliff Sabrina  The Healthy, Safe, Drug-Free Schools & Communities Coalition  Grand Rapids MI 
Anthony Zachary  Central Region PRC  Syracuse NY 
Aquino Jairo  NY National Guard - Civil Operations  Scotia NY 
Aragon Patrick  Laguna Behavioral Health Prevention Program  Laguna NM 
Archer Carrie  Brazos Valley Council on Alcohol & Substance Abuse  Bryan TX 
Archer Josh  Puget Sound Educational Service District  Renton WA 
Arciaga Louisito  Community Anti-Drug Coalition of Putatan  Muntinlupa  
Arguelles Ricardo  Confidential Drug Testing  El Paso TX 
Arias Mercy  Eastern Connecticut State University  Willimantic CT 
Arias Danielle  Partnership for Substance Free Youth  Asheville NC 
Arledge Dawn  Humboldt Allies for Substance Abuse Prevention  Eureka CA 
Armstrong Gabriella  Lake Placid-Wilmington CYC Coaltion  Lake Placid NY 
Arnett-German Amy  Shawnee Regional Prevention & Recovery Services, Inc.  Topeka KS 
Arnold Jill  Boone County SAFE Coalition  Boone IA 
Arrais Debora  US Embassy Brasilia